About Lowry-Fritz Law
Hello, I am Dr. Maureen A. Lowry-Fritz.
I am a lawyer, a political scientist, a college professor, and a mom to four amazing children, including an adult daughter with autism.
For more than two decades, I have been committed to achieving equity in education for students with disabilities. I do this through a three-pronged approach:
Providing parents and guardians with customized IEP and 504 consultations, so that they can be their child's best advocate.
Conducting professional development seminars for administrators, educators, and related service providers.
Conducting evidence-based, academic research on special education law, policy, and outcomes.
Whether you are a parent, administrator, educator, related service professional, advocate, medical professional, or policy-maker, I will work with you to achieve equity in special education opportunities, treatment, and outcomes - one student, one school, one district, and one state at a time.

My Goals
Customized IEP and 504 virtual parent consultations
Keynotes, seminars, and professional development for educators, administrators, paraprofessionals, advocates medical professionals, parent groups, and policy-makers
Evidence-based, academic research on special education law and policy.