
IEP and 504 virtual consultations
When parents suspect that something is "wrong" with their child's IEP or 504, they are usually "right." Parents know their child better than anyone...but oftentimes they feel they just don't have enough legal information to do anything about it. Dr. Maureen Lowry-Fritz provides virtual parent/guardian consultations customized to the child's unique needs, so that the parent can confidently represent their child's educational interests at the IEP meeting.
The process is easy. Set up a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your concerns. If you decide you would like Dr. Lowry-Fritz to develop a customized advocacy plan for you, simply:
Provide the child's IEP or 504
Schedule a 90-minute virtual session
During the session, I will address all of your special education concerns and discuss your customized advocacy strategy (available in all 50 states and US territories)

Professional development
Equity in education is always an important topic - now, more than ever. For more than 20 years, Dr. Maureen Lowry-Fritz has conducted professional development, continuing education, and in-service training sessions for schools, school districts, state agencies, medical professionals, and more.
Topics include:
Special education and social justice (keynote)
Ability-based inequities in public education (keynote)
IDEA compliance (session)
504 compliance (session)
Using Universal Design for Education Equity
History of special education in America (session)
Special education in post-COVID times
Customized session on a topic of YOU choose
Available virtually or in person in all 50 states and US territories.

Evidence-based research
In addition to her law degree, Dr. Lowry-Fritz has a Masters in Public Administration and a PhD in American Government/Public Law/Biopolitics. Her dissertation, entitled Is legal action the right 'idea' : an examination of client-based legal action and its effects on organizational responses to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), has served as the basis for further research in the areas of IDEA and 504 compliance, effectiveness of advocacy, and the relationship between legal action and organizational behavior at the school and district level.
Please contact Dr. Lowry-Fritz to schedule a presentation of her research findings for your school, district, or organization. Participation in panel discussions can also be arranged. Available virtually or in person in all 50 states and US territories.

Civic engagement & Voting 101
As a college professor, Dr. Lowry-Fritz encourages young people to be active and engaged participants in our democratic republic. She has developed a program to help adults with autism and developmental disabilities understand the POWER in their voices and in their votes. The program includes an introductory discussion of how federal and state governments run, how elections work, the importance of voting, and why the government needs to respond to the disability community's collective voice.
Dr. Lowry-Fritz is available to bring her program to your state, city, school district, school, special needs PTA, special recreation association, advocacy organization, parent group, and more. Available virtually or in person in all 50 states and US territories.
Arrange a consultation or presentation today!
Consultations are virtual. Presentations can be in person or virtual.